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Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek.misc
From: David Weinstein (djw at
Subject: Eerie coincidences between Love Boat and Star Trek

Amazing Coincidences

 Love Boat                            Enterprise
 ---------                            ----------

 Bald Captain                         Bald Captain
 Black Bartender                      Black Bartender
 Young Vicki is related to a          Young Wesley is related to a crewmember
    crewmember and works on the ship     and works on the ship
 Ship's doctor is a main character    Ship's doctor is a main character
 Julie the cruise director is sexy    Troi the ship's councelor is sexy but
    but annoying                                 annoying
 Actors stand in front of screen,     Actors stand in front of screen,
    upon which is projected background    upon which is projected background
    of open sea                           of open space
 A dumping ground for second-rate     A dumping ground for second-rate
    washed-up guest stars                 washed-up guest stars
 Going to strange new ports-of-call   Going to strange new worlds
 Cheesy opening song                  Cheesy opening song
 Too many scenes of self-indulgent    Too many scenes of self-indulgent
     crap in the lounge                   crap in the holodeck
 Socially retarded character with     Socially retarded character with
     job description for name (Gopher)    job description for name (Data)
 In late-night syndication            In late-night syndication
 Bad 2-hour pilot                     Bad 2-hour pilot
 Love Boat has lifeboats and          Enterprise has shuttlecrafts and
   flotation devices                     detaching saucer section
 Scenes linked by ship shots          Scenes linked by ship shots
 One character inexplicably replaced, One character inexplicably replaced,
   then returned  (Julie)                 then returned (Crusher)
 After-the-fact bed scenes with        After-the-fact bed scenes with
   pointless discussion                   pointless discussion
 Captain straightens uniform when      Captain straightens uniform when
   disgusted/angry/nervous                disgusted/angry/nervous
 Final scene takes place on loading    Final scene takes place on transporter;
   dock; crew waves goodbye               crew waves goodbye
 Aaron Spelling rules with iron fist,  Gene Roddenberry rules with iron fist,
   annoying die-hard fans                 annoying die-hard fans
 At conventions, everyone is dressed   At conventions, everyone is dressed
   like Dr. Adam Bricker                  like Mr. Spock
 Isaac the Bartender has useless       Captain Picard has useless gesture,
   gesture, pointing slightly forward     pointing slightly forward
 Intercrew friction always resolved    Intercrew friction always resolved
   within allotted 1 hour time slot       within allotted 1 hour time slot



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