Fantastical Fiction    

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A Fake Internet Presence,
since 1994

   PalmOS Tools  

Subject: the 12 bugs of Christmas

The 12 Bugs of Christmas

For the 1st bug of Christmas my manager said to me,
        see if they can do it again.

For the 2nd bug of Christmas my manager said to me,
        ask them how they did it,
        and see if they can do it again.

For the 3rd bug of Christmas my manager said to me,
        try to reproduce it,
        ask them how they did it,
        and see if they can do it again.

For the 4th bug of Christmas my manager said to me,
        run with the debugger,
        try to reproduce it,
        ask them how they did it,
        and see if they can do it again.

For the 5th bug of Christmas my manager said to me,
        ask for a dump,
        run with the debugger,
        try to reproduce it,
        ask them how they did it,
        and see if they can do it again.

For the 6th bug of Christmas my manager said to me,
        reinstall the software,
        ask for a dump,
        run with the debugger,
        try to reproduce it,
        ask them how they did it,
        and see if they can do it again.

For the 7th bug of Christmas my manager said to me,
        say they need an upgrade,
        reinstall the software,
        ask for a dump,
        run with the debugger,
        try to reproduce it,
        ask them how they did it,
        and see if they can do it again.

For the 8th bug of Christmas my manager said to me,
        find a way around it,
        say they need an upgrade,
        reinstall the software,
        ask for a dump,
        run with the debugger,
        try to reproduce it,
        ask them how they did it,
        and see if they can do it again.

For the 9th bug of Christmas my manager said to me,
        blame it on the hardware,
        find a way around it,
        say they need an upgrade,
        reinstall the software,
        ask for a dump,
        run with the debugger,
        try to reproduce it,
        ask them how they did it,
        and see if they can do it again.

For the 10th bug of Christmas my manager said to me,
        change the documentation,
        blame it on the hardware,
        find a way around it,
        say they need an upgrade,
        reinstall the software,
        ask for a dump,
        run with the debugger,
        try to reproduce it,
        ask them how they did it,
        and see if they can do it again.

For the 11th bug of Christmas my manager said to me,
        say it's not supported,
        change the documentation,
        blame it on the hardware,
        find a way around it,
        say they need an upgrade,
        reinstall the software,
        ask for a dump,
        run with the debugger,
        try to reproduce it,
        ask them how they did it,
        and see if they can do it again.

For the 12th bug of Christmas my manager said to me,
        tell them it's a feature,
        say it's not supported,
        change the documentation,
        blame it on the hardware,
        find a way around it,
        say they need an upgrade,
        reinstall the software,
        ask for a dump,
        run with the debugger,
        try to reproduce it,
        ask them how they did it,
        and see if they can do it again.



The "I work for a big public company" disclaimer:
The views expressed on these pages are mine alone and not those of my employer. I am not now, nor have I ever been employed to speak for anyone. Well, except my own company, but that's gone now. For more information, see the Standard Disclaimer

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