A mailing list is available from
Yahoo! Groups
Current Version: 0.2.6
0.2.6 adds support for IMAPS, and fixes some imap and mh folder handling
Currently, GBuffy is ALPHA code. It is fairly stable, but may contain
memory leaks, may suddenly die if you do something I haven't. Not all
features are yet implemented, and it may not be the easiest to compile
yet. As of version 0.2.3, GBuffy can be compiled as a GNOME Applet.
- Support images for each mailbox instead of text
- Support Content-Length: header in MBOX/MMDF code
Version 0.2.6: Source -
Linux Binary -
Linux GNOME Applet Binary -
Version 0.2.4: Source -
Linux Binary -
Linux GNOME Applet Binary
Version 0.2.3: Source -
Linux Binary -
Linux GNOME Applet Binary -
Linux RPM i386 -
Linux RPM src
Version 0.2.2: Source -
Linux Binary -
Linux RPM i386 -
Linux RPM src
Original RPM specfile provided by Jonathan Michael Hawkins <spiritu>
version managed by Joel Rosdahl <joel>
FreeBSD-current Ports maintained by Rasmus Kaj <rasmus>
- GTK+ 1.1.11 or later. GTK+ 1.2.0
will work.
- libPropList 0.7.3 or later (available with WindowMaker) or here.
- libcompface for decoding X-Face headers. Included.
GBuffy source code is Free/Open Source. There is a LICENSE file in the
distribution that states:
Copyright (C) 1998 by Brandon Long except where noted
While we retain the copyright to this code, this source code is FREE.
You may use it in any way you wish, in any product you wish. You may
NOT steal the copyright for this code from us.
We respectfully ask that you email one of us, if possible, if you
produce something significant with this code, or if you have any bug
fixes to contribute. We also request that you give credit
where credit is due if you include part of this code in a program of
your own.